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contoh kalimat burn out

"burn out" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • But all the sensors up there are burned out.
    Tetapi semua sensor di sana terbakar habis.
  • I can smell something burning out here.
    Aku bisa mencium bau sesuatu yang terbakar di sini.
  • The bearings in the generator are about to burn out.
    Bantalan dalam generator adalah tentang membakar keluar.
  • Just huddle together until the lights burn out.
    Hanya berkumpul bersama-sama sampai lampu terbakar habis.
  • What the fuck are you burning out there?
    Apa yang kau bakar di luar sana?
  • Because of older stars that burned out.
    Karena bintang-bintang yang lebih tua yang terbakar habis. Terbakar habis.
  • I heard a rumor that the Sun was burning out.
    Aku mendengar desas-desus bahwa Matahari sudah terbakar.
  • The fuse will burn out in 95 seconds.
    Sumbu akan terbakar dalam 95 detik .
  • Dexter's burned out, that's why he's leaving.
    Dexter sudah jenuh bekerja, karena itulah dia pergi.
  • Burned out there for two days straight.
    Terbakar di luar sana selama dua hari berturut-turut.
  • You're gonna burn out the CPU with this one.
    Kau akan terbakar CPU dengan yang satu ini.
  • I didn't want you to burn out the battery.
    Aku tidak mau kamu membakar akimu.
  • Somebody burned out his eyes with acid, Doc.
    Ada yang membakar matanya dengan asam, Dok.
  • They are burning out right in front of us!
    Mereka terbakar tepat di hadapan kita!
  • We found both vehicles burned out by the port.
    Dua kendaraannya dibakar di pelabuhan.
  • Why does it keep burning out all the time?
    Mengapa benda itu selalu terbakar?
  • But by the next day it was burned out.
    Tapi hari berikutnya apinya padam.
  • I can't have you burning out. Argh!
    Aku tak mau kau terlalu lelah bekerja.
  • Far too many women burn out trying to do too much before they're ready.
    Tidak apa, Nn. Grant.
  • It burned out the whole system.
    itu serangan cyber seperti kemampuan nuklir iran itu akan membakar seluruh sistem
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